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Can I Have Teeth Whitening if I Have Dental Implants?

Can We Do Teeth Whitening After Dental Implants? | El Paso

Well! A lot of dentists will suggest you not to do your teeth whitening over dental implants as the crowns cannot change color and will remain the same.

Whitening your teeth after implant placement will make your artificial teeth stand out, which will not be as white as your natural teeth. So, get your teeth whitened before you get your dental implants. In our previous blog, we have explained 5 reasons for teeth whitening in El Paso this summer. However, if you live in and around El Paso, then look for the best cosmetic dentistry who offers the best teeth whitening and dental implants.

Why Dental Crowns Cannot Be Whitened?

There are some cosmetic elements like dental bridges, porcelain veneers, and dental crowns that do not support teeth whitening. Having said that, the dental crowns in El Paso and veneers are made up of good quality material and can withstand stains.

Stains that are found on the surface of the crown can be taken off by following the proper brushing and flossing routine. Visiting a dentist can also help remove surface stains.

Teeth Whitening Treatment in El Paso for a Bright Smile

Planning can help keep your smile bright and even. Getting your teeth whitened before getting dental implants is always the best thing to do.

Teeth whitening in El Paso gives the entire set of teeth a uniform color, so your dental implant crown will match the color of your whitened teeth, making your smile brighter. But, unfortunately, if you do not take care of your whitened teeth, the teeth will lose their brightness and will look duller than the dental crowns.

3 Tips to Keep Your Teeth Bright and Prevent Discoloration:

  1. If you drink dark-colored liquids or eat foods such as berries, rinse your mouth with water
  2. Brush and floss daily
  3. Make sure to visit your dentist once in six months and get your teeth cleaned


You are provided with the best cosmetic and dental implants in El Paso at Daniel Castro D.D.S., P.A. Patients can ask the team about the benefits of treatment when they are concerned about dull, discolored teeth. Dr. Daniel Castro and his team offer teeth whitening and many other cosmetic services that can be used to dramatically improve your smile. If you would like to discuss teeth whitening or other cosmetic treatments available at their office, please feel free to call us at (915) 493-2747 today.